Wednesday, June 08, 2022

How Much Is Too Much

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, How many times have you cried out to the Lord? How many times have you said or thought that this was too much for me to handle, take, absorb, etc.? In our everyday living many things seem to mount up until it becomes a burden or far worse because you have doubted or feared or given up. So... let's just find out from the "Word" just how much is too much! First Corintians 10:13, "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." Yes and Amen! With God there is never, no never a question about how much is too much, for He is Faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able. And if that is not enough He gives more for He will provide "the way" of escape and also so that you will be able to endure it. Yes, it is real what you are going through so it can't be dismissed by trying on your own to wish it away or hope that it goes away on its own (as if that will ever happen), for those times that it must be endured then He will provide "the way". As I typed this verse the words, "the way" captured my attention. For I have always remembered that it said, "a way" but stand corrected for it is "the way". And this is far better knowing that our God, our Lord, provides "the way" not a way but the "the way". Each individual is created by Him and thus each of our experiences go through His loving hands and He knows us better than we will ever know ourselves. So naturally each individual is unique and yet He still knows "the way" of escape for every temptation we encounter in life. My prayer - Abba Father, we give you all the honor and all the praise this day. Thank You that You are Faithful and Your Provision is never too much! Thank You. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, that as she starts and ends her day that she asks, seeks and knocks and knows that our Sovereign Lord has the answer and "the way" for every moment of her life. Lord as the wave of temptation comes at her may she not look at the wave approaching but rather Focus on the One who is Faithful and will not allow her to be tempted beyond what she is able. In Jesus Name, Amen. His Love Is More Than Enough,

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Welcome to the Month of June

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, June 1st, the first day of June is here and I am so excited! June is the month that school is over and summer vacations start and summer begins and the swimming pool opens! There are different shades of green on the tree limbs and branches and buds of various kinds are on them and there is new growth. Yes, new growth which signifies that our Lord is ever present. Of late, on my morning walks, something as simple as a new leaf or new bud on a tree branch catches my attention and why, because it means that new growth is coming. This season in our lives, especially for me being much older, there doesn't seem to be new growth but actually that is not true at all in God's reality. In Romans 11:29, it is written, "for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable." Yes at whatever age you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and received the Grace given You were gifted with so much and you were given a calling that only He had planned and purposed since the beginning of time. So for me, the month of June will be exciting and adventurous for I am looking forward to the new growth that the Lord will be providing. My prayer - Abba Father, thank You that You love us so much and that You delight in us. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today and the days to follow that her life will show evidence of the new growth that You have placed within her for it is in Your timing and in Your perfect will that our lives are vessels that You fashion for Your glory. Lord may this precious vessel pursue Jesus above all things. In Jesus Name, Amen. Welcoming new growth,

The Green House Is Up

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Yesterday we (my husband and me) spent most of the morning setting up the greenhouse. My husband had been working on leveling the ground and moving the sprinkler head so we could set up the green house. Supposedly the last killing frost was last weekend and now it is time to prepare the seedlings to go into the ground. So yesterday we assembled the greenhouse, which was no easy task because the directions on how to assemble the pieces were nowhere to be found, but we (well best said my husband) assembled it. I am so bad at puzzles, my part was to hand him the pieces. The greenhouse is very important for the new seedlings to take root, because of our harsh climate and short growing season here in Montana, it is a must to have the plants that are climate sensitive to be as strong as possible. And the same with us! Let us imagine that we are in God's greenhouse and He has placed us there on purpose so that we are able to grow strong because the world's harsh elements can be so destructive on our bodies, souls and minds. There is another reason why I like seeing the greenhouse up again and that is because I get to see the fruits of our labor. Yes, the seeds are planted in the soil and placed in the greenhouse for safekeeping and each day they are checked on to see if the temperature is just right and they are watered and fed. I like taking care of the plants and watching them grow and even though there is a little space to be in it is still a place where I can step into and breath and just stand in there and feel as if I am in a sanctuary. My prayer - Abba Father, Thank You that we have a strong tower that we can run into and also thank You that You are the master Gardener and that You hide us in Your Love and may we rest in Your Greenhouse as we are but seedlings in need of tender loving care that only You can give. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she rests in You and trusts in You that she knows You have placed her in a safe place. In Jesus Name, Amen. In God's Greenhouse,