Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Psalm 117

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, There is nothing like an hour of ice skating. It was a nice day and I had the time so decided Monday morning would be a time to go down to the local ice rink and see if the ice was good enough to skate on. The women's hockey team had used it the night before so I was thinking to myself they probably wouldn't be too aggressive and the ice, hopefully would be fine for my figure skates. And it was! The sun was shining and a slight breeze came up, and as I got onto the ice the birds started to sing and the sound of the skates gliding across the ice was so comforting to me. Each time I get on the ice I ask the Lord to keep me upright and not fall. I am totally dependent on Him to keep me from falling! And He has faithfully kept me upright. Me just thinking - that is really the only time that I consciously ask the Lord to keep me from falling. How about you, can you bring to mind a time when you consciouslyu ask the Lord to keep you from falling? Today's title is Psalm 117, "Praise the Lord, all nations, Laude Him, all peoples! For His lovingkindness is great toward us, and the truth of the Lord is everlasting. Praise the LORD! Today's prayer - Abba Father, Thank You that Your lovingkindness is great toward us. Thank you that the truth of You is everlasting. Let us come together this day and Praise thee. Lord may each dear and precious one celebrate today that she is one of the "all peoples". She is Your beloved child and may this truth alone be her reason for giving "Praise the LORD!" May her day(s) ahead be filled with Joy, Hope, Love , and Peace beyond all else. In Jesus Name, Amen. Praise the Lord,


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