Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Inviting in a New Year

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I pray that your Christmas was blessed with precious moments and in the midst of those moments hopefully reflections of the tender mercies of our Lord. I still have my tree up and all the decorations and traditionally take them down on New Years Day. Such will be the case this year also. And as I do so I ponder the old year and the new year. I am being faced with a two-fold challenge and while I fill my head with thoughts of this and that I came across an old photo taken a few years back when I also was facing some challenges in my life. My husband and I had some decisions to make so we decided to take a trip to the Big Island and stayed at a bed and breakfast which was an oasis for us and God directed us in many ways to making the decisions that He had planned and purposed for us. Then when other things came up in our lives I once again visited the bed and breakfast and took some pictures of the property. The photo attached is how I want to enter into the new year. I have titled this post as "Inviting in a New Year" instead of "Ringing in a New Year". I pray that as you put away the Christmas decorations and take down the lights and looking forward to a new year that... Abba Father, our Savior, our Wonderful Counselor, our Mighty God, our Eternal Father, our Prince of Peace, Praise to thee. Lord, I pray this day for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she "invites in a new year, 2022, her life will begin with such treasured "Peace" and Your Love and Joy and Hope. May she ask and seek and knock, may she thirst for the Living Waters, may she hunger for the Bread of Life, and may she desire above all things to lean not on her own understanding but to Trust You in ALL. In Jesus Name, Amen. Faithfully and Prayerfully Inviting in a New Year,


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