Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Joshua 1 - Success, Failure and Courage

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, The last Wednesday of the first month of the year 2022 and still there is today. A day filled with God's tender mercies far exceeding our expectations and filled with a Love that knows no limits and unabashedly displays His love in the most indescribable ways. As I take from my bookshelf my oldest and most referenced bible, which has highlighted and underlined and dates written beside passages, I bow my head asking for the Lord's words and something caught my attention. It was a bookmark with the saying from Winston Churchill, "Success is not final, Failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." The bookmark was placed in the book of Joshua, chapter 1. The scriptures have been read and reread and talked about and even written on the tablets of your hearts. Our success and our failure in attempting to do anything without the Lord is purely and simply defined as STUPID. Yes I said it! Today, more than ever we need to trust and trust even more and then just when you think you have trusted enough still Trust in the one who went to the Cross and died with Your names written on the palms of His hands. He wants us to succeed and even in our failure He still is there and most of ALL He gives us the courage to continue (persevere) until the very last breath that we take. And the best of ALL is that He is with us wherever we go. So just as He told Joshua He is telling you my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ to be strong and very courageous and knowing that when you meditate on the very words spoken by Him that your way will be prosperous, and you shall have good success. What the Lord deems success and also what He deems failure even in that He gives us the courage to continue and that is what counts. For our rewards are great and exceedingly greater! Abba Father, Great is Your Name in ALL the earth and in heaven. Lord thank You and Praise You for today, and even if the day is filled with success or failure still I pray that the building up of each sisters-in-Christ's faith bring her courage to continue for that is what You desire of all of us. May she rest in her striving, knowing that her words and works are from You for her good and for Your glory. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings,


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