Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Immanuel - God With Us

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Once again we are blanketed with several inches of snow and with that comes the different sounds of winter. The sounds of the big trucks with super blades to sweep away the snow and followed by the big dump trucks dumping sand at the stop signs to make sure the ones who need to get to work or school are able to maneuver around town. Also the sounds of motors running for at 16 degrees it takes several minutes to warm up your car before heading to your destination. Even though the sounds are loud and thunderous they are also comforting because it is for safety reasons. So what does that have to do with Christmas, you are probably asking yourself as you read, well... The very nature of Immanuel - God with us - the name given by the prophet to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord, is a sound like none other. Immanuel - God with us - is a whisper, rushing waters, thunderous winds, and mighty. The voice can raise the dead, cause sinners to walk away, tell the woman at the well, cause fish to gather in the nets, cause the water to be turned into wine. As we ponder this Christmas season, may we remember why we rejoice and tell others and join in the celebration and give gifts is because of Immanuel - God with us in All things and in All ways. Abba Father, may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ believe and trust that Jesus, Immanuel, which means God with us in a sound which is pleasing to the ears and a sound that settles the mind and quiets the beating heart. May her day be blessed with Your Gentleness and Kindness and Goodness. In Jesus Name, Amen. Opening My Ears to the Sound,


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