Wednesday, August 25, 2021

A New Path

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Does God ever totally surprise you? Does the Lord direct you from one path to another? Just asking! Do you ever think of your life as assorted paths that you journey along with the Lord? Our little town has a network of trails that surround the city and into the outskirts of the city as well. I have walked most of them during the last four years and only have one left to try out. I can't remember exactly the total amount of miles these trails encompass but it is several. Some are paved and some are graveled, which accommodates the bicycliest and the runner and of course the slow walker. In among these trails are little paths that seem to lead to nowhere and others created as a shortcut. Last year one of the paths became an actual trail and how that was done, it was graveled being designated as a trail. So... looking in the concordance of my bible, "path" or "way" it references 5 verses: Gen. 49;17, Ps. 16:11, Ps 119:105, Prov. 15:19, and Matt. 3:3. Quoting a few of them - Ps 16:11, You will make known to me the path of life:..., Ps 119:105, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path..., Prov. 15:19, ...But the path of the upright is a highway, and Matt. 3:3, ...Make ready the way of the LORD, Make His paths straight. Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, whether your path today is paved or graveled or grassy and unkempt remember that our LORD has placed and purposed us to walk on this path and where He directs us to go it is lighted by Him, and it will be a highway to the upright and will be straight. Abba Father, Praise and glory and honor is Your alone, we come before You this day and praise You for making a way, placing us on the lighted path and making it straight as we take one day at a time walking on the path where You have purposefully placed us. And if we are joined by a friend along the way that is wonderful too. In Jesus Name, Amen. On the Lord's Path,


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