Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Collection of Boxes

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The last Wednesday of August already!! My oh my where has the time gone - the lazy days of summer seemed to evaporate. Today as I looked around in my room for some inspiration my eyes landed on the stack of boxes that I have placed on my bookshelves and other shelves throughout my study. I have been collecting boxes since in my thirties. And I have to admit my first boxes were cigar boxes. Yes, my husband used to smoke a cigar occasionaly and also a pipe so I would look at the boxes and they were so ornate and/or colorful and just the right size for placing important papers or trinkets. Then came the tins that have candies or cookies, just the right size for repurposing and/or placing crayons or colored pencils or chalk to be used in my crafting. So many uses for wooden, tin, glass, or plastic boxes of various sizes and shapes. Each box has its purpose and what is stored in them is things that I treasure.

How about you? Where do you store your treasures?

Abba Father, Praise Thee and Thank Thee for Your Provisions. Something as simple as a box Lord, that we find so appealing that we acquire it and place our treasures inside. Lord Your Provision for the simple things and Your Provision for the mundane things and Your Provision for the delicate things and Your Provision for the Important things, Yes Lord, Your Provision for ALL things in our lives. Lord may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ see Your Provision intricately woven into every part of her life today. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Storing My Treasures,



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