Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Quilts on Display

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I've taken on a new task, working at our local Art Center. It is a place of wonder that feeds my senses with colors and designs and ideas and dreams and joy. Yes, joy!! This week the display is "quilts". As I survey at a distance each one displayed they each have a story to tell. Each design and color of the quilt draws me into so many different sensations. My thinking and dreaming go into overdrive. I must only allow myself to linger for a short time at each one or else I would be there 24/7.

As I look at all the different colors and designs I question its beauty at first. Questions, how did the person think to put those colors together? how did they come up with that configuration?

A quilt is like a person, each unique it is flair and flavor. Yes, we are living quilts, our lives are stitched together in the most amazing of ways. Oh how I love that the Lord places us in the middle of something or in the corner or even at the bottom. We are quietly and beautifully being placed into His Image.

What a magnificent and glorious quilt we are!

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to thee. May we rejoice in this day knowing that it has already been planned and purposed. This day being lived out is a unique day just fitted for us. You have fashioned us and our lives are on display in the world. May Your beauty be evident in our lives as we live out our lives. How uniquely You have made each one of us. And just like a quilt with its colors arranged so beautifully and its design so very unique that only You have created it. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that it be a day where she rests in the Knowing that You are her Lord. In the precious Name of Jesus the name above all names, Amen.

Crafted in Love by My Creator,



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