Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Trusting, Waiting, and Resting

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

A love wanting to be expressed and the refusal of the one to receive it. Wow, I guess I could be like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh and just pounce anyway. But I'm not wanting to be a tigger right now. Not wanting to pounce.

I'm so thankful that I have such a loving LORD that He is not like tigger. I'm so thankful that He loves me even when I ignore, complain, walk away, demand, and exclude Him.

On this fabulous and adventureous and glorious journey with the Lord I am

Trusting in His Eternal Grace

Waiting upon Him

Resting in Christ Alone

Abba Father as we gather together this week remembering and dwelling upon what Jesus did for us may we lift up holy hands to the One who Loves so deeply and intimately and graciously and became the Lamb of God who was slain and died taking upon all of our sins, (past, present, and future) and on the third day arose. Praise to thee oh Precious Jesus for being the sacrificial Lamb. Hallelujah. Lord, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that this holy week of remembrance they rejoice. In the precious name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.



Wednesday, March 21, 2018

"Dates" of Our Lives

Greetings dearest and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The first day of Spring, yes, I know that yesterday some celebrated that the 20th was the first day, but for me I have always known that the first day of Spring or Summer or Fall or Winter is the 21st. For I was born on the 21st of December and that year it was the first day of winter. Very important date to remember. And for remembering dates - birthdays, anniversaries, special holidays, and deaths. Why are dates remembered even when those dates have associated with them, pain or suffering?

I have hesitated in posting these prayers because I am in the midst of grieving and not knowing quite how to acknowledge my own grief so not wanting to say or do anything that offends or upsets or causes a sister-in-Christ to stumble. That is the reason I have been sporactically posting. I do apologize.

On Saturday I will be doing something that I have not had to experience ever before - I will be sitting in a church pew with many others and on that date, March 24th, I will not have to put on a smile, I will not have to put others first, I will not have to try to understand. I will be, "the one and only loving daughter". Something that I took for granted and something that I will cherish until my dying day.

Abba Father, Praise to thee and thank You for Loving us, Your precious children. Lord God I pray for each dear and precious sisters-in-Christ that the "dates" in their lives are filled with Your Presence and Peace. For each "date" of her life is a day of remembrance, whether it was filled with laughter or tears, they are special and meaningful for them alone. Lord bless each one this day as they live out the "dates" in their lives in Trusting and Resting in Your Grace. In the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Trusting and Resting in Him,
