Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Loved By The Father

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

It is with a heavy heart that I come to you this Wednesday morning. I missed last Wednesday because I was at the hospital along with my husband and mother and brother present and my two younger brothers on the phone while we gathered together and said goodbye to our precious daddy. I am sad!! My earthly daddy was such a wonderful and loving man. He was not perfect by any means but still his love was infectious. Over the last year, when we (my husband and I) returned to Lewistown Montana and being very much aware of daddy's declining health, we took every day to keep in touch and to have our special times together. I realize that what I will miss most is his love. My daddy and I had a special bond, me being his only daughter and oldest of 5 children, he treated me differently than the boys. When I was younger I sometimes took advantage of this but as I matured I came to realize that I was special and came to trust in that. There was not a moment that I did not know that I was loved by my earthly daddy. It is the same way with my walk with the LORD, I am a daughter who is deeply loved by her Father.

This love of my FATHER will never die, never cease, never grow old and never change. Oh how amazing to know that the Creator of the Universe loves me and forever will.

Abba Father, thank you that Your Love never ceases and never dies and never changes. I pray for each sister-in-Christ that today will be a day where she knows with her heart and mind and soul that she is LOVED. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Eternally and Forever LOVED,


Wednesday, February 07, 2018

You Are Beautiful

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I wrote this on January 27th when I knew that I was not going to be able to post on the 30th due to a doctor's visit for my husband, which was in another city 126 miles away.

In light of all the drama that has been going on in the world with Women's Marches and rally's and such, I would like to talk about who we are as sisters-in-Christ.

I begin with "Beautiful things don't ask for Attention", I saw this refrigerator note pad sitting on a shelf at my local pharmacy. The moment I read this simple yet profound statement my heart and mind were captured. Yes, captured by the profound meaning of those 6 words. As sisters-in-Christ we are adorned with the Beauty of the LORD, which is more beautiful than you can ever imagine. His Beauty is beyond description! Also we are showered with His holy fragrance which is, "...a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing." We are dear and we are precious and we are His one and only loving daughter. He sees us as righteous. We also have the mind of Christ!

In faith I pray that each one of you who are dear and precious and righteous because of what Christ did on the Cross that you would clothe yourself with the Beauty of the Lord and put on the Fragrance of Christ and boldly go forth with confidence in knowing that you are Beautiful and that beautiful things don't ask for attention. May your day be richly blessed with His Love, His Peace, His Power, His Provision and His Presence. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Abiding in His Joy,
