Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Going to the Deep End

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

It is so wonderful to be able to spend some time with you again. I have been away from my mainframe until yesterday when my husband helped (well actually did it) to get me back online. There was a glitch in the internet connection, simple, but it was beyond my reasoning and ability.

Waking up this morning and realizing that I would be able to once again post my Wednesday morning prayer to all of you, I was thinking about just what to share with you regarding all that has happened since my last posting of October 12.

I read an article on one of our airplane trips about "Embracing Winter". As I read the article God impressed upon me that this was where He was leading me in the season of my life. It prepared me for how I am to walk on this adventurous journey with the Lord.

When I came home from that trip and looked at the weather conditions, (25 degrees below zero) I remembered the article and began to have a desire to start ice skating again. Something that I had not done in several years. I still had a pair of ice skates that had belonged to my daughter so I shared with my husband that this is something that I wanted to do on my birthday. Getting on the ice was very scary only because I was afraid of falling. The first day I held onto the wall for dear life while I adjusted my body to how to move on the ice. I have been going every day except for Christmas day. A total of 7 days including today. Each day that I went I skated around the rink staying close to the wall just in case I happened to fall. Each day I asked of the Lord to help keep me upright and strengthen me on the ice.

On Christmas Day I was talking to my son and telling him about my adventures on the ice. I shared about how I had not been able to go to the middle of the rink. His reply, "so mom, you haven't gone to the deep end." That reply was still on my mind when I woke up the next day. Going to the rink, and getting on the ice, I once again asked the Lord to keep me upright. After going around the rink several times, the Lord says, Are you trusting me enough to go to the deep end?" I realized then that I was learning to Trust in Him in a way that I had never done before. Truly letting go of all of myself and stepping out into the deep end. So going to the middle of the rink, oh the walls, which had been supporting me, looked miles and miles away. I took my first step and taking a deep breath I started to skate down the middle of the rink. After the first time of going from end to end, thinking that I am very proud of myself for trusting, well once again the Lord says, "How deep is your TRUST?" Seven times I skated the deep end and with each length of the rink I realized that these are only baby steps in learning how to be still and know that He is God.

Blessings upon all of you and my prayer for this day -

Abba Father, Praise and Glory to the One who is Faithful, thank You that You are a God who takes us to the deep end of our lives and strengthens us and secures us and embraces us with the tenderest of Mercies, which flow from You each and every day of our lives. Oh most Sovereign Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her days ahead will be filled with Your Presence, Your Peace, Your Power, Your Provision, and Your LOVE and Your JOY. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing All That He Has Already Given,



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