Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Psalm 3:3-8

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I opened an email from a precious sister-in-Christ on Monday and began to pray for her and her family as she asked of me. Throughout the remainder of the day and into the next day, as thoughts of her came to mind, I continued to lift her up in prayer. Yesterday while clearing up an area of my side yard to prepare for new plants; I was once again reminded of the family and knew that I needed to talk to the mother. Since I did not have her phone number I contacted my friend and asked if she would help me.

My phone rang and looking at the location it was her, I answered and as soon as she answered back I wanted so badly to be with her and to hug her and to hold her hand. I told her this and her response was so wonderful, she wished it also but said that just hearing my voice was enough.

She needed comforting and I wanted to be physically there to do that - an impossible thing. Oh how great is our most Sovereign Lord that "all things are possible".

Oh dear sisters-in-Christ how many times have we wanted to be comforted or be the one comforting and the Lord hears our cries and makes "all things possible!"

Abba Father, coming before Your most righteous and holy throne of Grace, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she will hear Your Voice being spoken into her heart - Your Voice giving her comfort and peace and hope and love. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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