Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 2016 Journey - Answered Prayer

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The last time that I posted was the beginning of September and was titled, "Being Transplanted" and I had asked for prayer. I would like to tell you how He answered --

We have a new home, closing on the 3rd of November.

I was born in a small town in Montana and starting at the age of nine I kept asking the Lord to get me out of that place. He answered the summer of my 15th year. Our family moved to California.

Fifty years later I am returning to that same small town.

These past fifty years have been filled with so many miracles. These past 15 years, living in Hawaii, have been filled with trusting and believing and accepting.

In my most recent conversations with the Lord - His words to me.

My asking as to why do we need to leave Hawaii - "Thank me for your time here and what I have for you is the Better."
My concerns about the cold - "I will be your warmth"

We are in the process of packing and moving and saying our goodbyes.

Side note: Since I do not know when I will be able to swim in the ocean again - I set a goal for myself. To swim everyday, if possible, in the ocean and to try and swim 1.2 miles. Since we have the Ironman Trianthon here each year in October, and the swim portion is 2.4 miles I wanted to at least go half way. Yesterday, I accomplished that goal. As I looked at the 1.2 mile marker I thanked Him for the strength that He gave me to achieve this goal.

The Lord has assured me that I will continue with my writings and my prayer life. I hope to continue our most blessed time together on Wednesday mornings. As we are in transition at the moment I am not sure if it will be every Wednesday in the month of October. I thank you all for our time spent together and cherish each Wednesday spent with you.

Abba Father, Praise Thee and Thank Thee. Oh Lord how intimately You whisper our name, how sweet is the song that You sing over us. How deep is Your Love for us. How rich are your provisions for us. How tender are Your Mercies each and every day. Lord I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ that in her goings and comings Your most Sovereign and Righteous and Mighty and Glorious PRESENCE is ever with her. As each sister-in-Christ asks and seeks and knocks may You be found and may she be anointed daily with Your Power. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,


Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Being Transplanted by the Master's Hands

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

For several years now my September days have been spent journeying with the Lord. A time to draw closer to Him and allow Him to transform, refresh, renew but this year He is transplanting.

His Whispers began in July of 2015, while visiting my folks on the mainland. My morning walks were prayers seeking direction because I was planning on retiring at the end of the year and knew that our financial situation was pretty bleak for living in Hawaii. The Lord's whisper was that He would tell my husband and I was to listen to him.

The LORD told my husband - my September journey will be the LORD transplanting us. We leave this Thursday night and plan on being on the mainland until the 18th of September.

This posting is selfish I know because I am asking for your prayers for

Safe travels
Purchasing a Home
Adapting to Weather conditions
and because of my restrictive dietary issues - understanding people while I tell them that I can't eat their food that they spent all day preparing just for me. (This is especially hard for me)

His Whispers continue to flow into my husband's heart and mind and He gives both of us the peace that passes all understanding for we both know that He is at work and this is a miracleous thing that He is doing in our lives.

I know that many of you have already been transplanted and possibly for some you are in the same place as us. Thank you for your prayers and for your faithful encouragement.

Abba Father, thank You that You have already prepared our hearts to ask and seek and knock. Lord may each dear sister-in-Christ live this day and the days ahead in expectancy. May she be prepared for that special journey only her and You will share. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Blessings to all of you my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ.

Property of the Eternal,
