Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm Off On An Adventure

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Well what an evening it was at church last night, the leader along with the facilitators gathered on the lawn before the ladies arrived and prayed. The study is from Beth Moore, Believing in God. The anticipation and excitement in the room was apparent by all, after the introduction the video began to play - and from the first words from her mouth I knew that this was going to be the greatest adventure ever. I'm into adventures big time - for how else are you to discover just how amazing a life can be. By amazing I mean "God" leading it all the way - Yes the Great I AM leading it all the way. How can it not be the greatest adventure of all times? HE planned and purposed it so!

Oh, dear and precious sisters-in-Christ I pray to our most Sovereign Lord today that the eyes of your heart would be opened that you would desire HIS leading the Way and that HE alone has Your Heart, Your Mind, Your Body, and Your Soul. He has GREAT and AMAZING plans for You.

In Jesus Name, Amen,

I'm off on an Adventure,



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