Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Missing Day

Dear sisters-in-Christ,

Good morning to all. This being the end of February by our calendar I often find myself reading in my devotionals two days worth. For the 29th is only every four years. Sometimes I feel that in my spiritual walk I am missing a day and it will eventually catch up with me in my fourth year. How about you? Missing a day? What would, could or should I do with this missing day. Do I ignore it or do I allow myself to say, the parameters of this life do not dictate the attitude of my heart in this matter.

Heavenly Father, thank you that there are no missing days in our lives. Each day counts and each day You are directing our steps, You are bringing to rememberance the things of old. You are revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. LORD, may each dear sister-in-Christ be reminded that this day is like no other day, there are no missing days in their lives and that with You directing their steps this day will be counted for all eternity. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Distractions of Life

Dear friends and sisters-in-Christ,

As you can see from the title of this post - Distractions of Life - that the reason I was not able to send out an email this morning was because of the fact that there were distractions of life. The first being the internet connection decided to go haywire this morning. The second being my agitation at the internet connection not working. Before I started out this morning I had the thought of my title already in mind, distractions of life, what I was going to share about - but there it is I was not able to share this morning. I went ahead and went to work; visited my Grandmother at the nursing home; visited two dear friends; home to cook dinner and then called another dear friend who lives in Washington who is vacationing on the island of Kauai. Dishes are in the dishwasher and am ready to retire. I could wait until morning to email but decided that tomorrow is another day filled with distractions. I so want to get this out this evening.

Heavenly Father, Glorious King, Magnificent LORD, our GOD of Goodness and Mercy and Grace. Hallowed be Thy Name. Thank You Lord for Your Sovereign Faithfulness. When the distractions of Life overwhelm us and seem to take over, may Your Holy Spirit permeate us and direct us back to You. May we desire to TRUST and PRAY knowing that Your Presence is ever present, Your Peace is ever steadfast, Your Promises are ever True and Your Power is ever Mighty. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ