Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Good God Almighty

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, It is supposed to be the hottest day in September and the hottest day ever in our little town and actually in our whole state. So I am sure that there are going to be people saying, "good god almighty" and ending it in various ways. But for me, when I say or sing, "Good God Almighty" it is recognizing that I have a Good God and I have a God and He is the Almighty. As I glanced down at my bible for possible referencing, Jer. 1:6-10, and especially, verse 9, "Then the Lord stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth,"". Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, yes indeed, He did! This Good God, this God, this Almighty God, stretched out His hand and touched your mouth. Just think - the Creator the God who is Good and the Almighty, stretched out His hand and touched your mouth, and said... . His empowering Presence! You have that, yes you do. Believe it or not, trust in it or not, have faith in it or not but it still doesn't change the truth of your life. His empowering Presence is everywhere and in everything and as such why fret, why worry, why try and come up with the words. He has already put His words in your mouth. So go ahead and shout or sing or quietly state, "Good God Almighty", for He has made this day and let us rejoice in it. Let us pray - Abba Father, our good and mighty God, thank You Lord for your empowering Presence and Lord I pray that today Your emplowing Presence would be evident in the lives of these precious children of Yours. Lord God, may You stretch out Your Hand and touch our mouths and give us Your words so that when we speak it is with Your Words that flow forth. In Jesus Name, Amen. My Lips Touched By the Master's Hands,


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