Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Leading Me to Green Pastures

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Let us visit Psalm 23:2 - It is written, "He makes me lie down in green pastures," yes, He makes me - that is what He must do in order for us to truly enjoy each breath that we take. If He didn't do that do you think you would do it on your own? Only when we are in a prone position and what better place to be - green, lush pastures. The green pastures are soft on the body, the grass has a moistness which the dry skin absorbs rehydrating it once again and as we lie down our body begins to relax and our breathing becomes deep and our mind becomes settled and we look up to the heavens. Maybe there are clouds to look at and maybe you begin to see shapes or figures. You notice the color of the sky and you quiet yourself for a few moments. He knew you needed to be there, that is why He had to make you do it. He loves you that much!! Just imagine as you lie down in green pastures to what extent He went to to show you His Love for you. And He is still doing it today! So... my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ allow Him today to, "make me lie down in green pastures." Abba Father, All Praise and Glory and Honor we give to You. Thank You Lord for Your Everlasting LOVE, for Your Peace which passes all understanding, for Your Tender Mercies new every morning, for Your Abundant Grace and for Your Unimaginable Joy. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that today would be her day to "Lie down in green pastures", look up into the heavens and worship You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Looking Up,


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