Wednesday, March 24, 2021

A Prayer - Psalm 20:4

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Hopefully your week thus far has been pleasurable and adventurous and that your precious moments of your day and even your sleeping moments have been satisfying, this is what I am hoping for all of you. Yesterday's scripture reading was Psalm 20:4 and it spoke to my heart so I wrote next to it that this would be my prayer for Wednesday. For it is written, Psalm 20:4 - May He grant you your heart's desire and fulfill ALL your counsel(purpose)! In fact the whole Psalm of 20 is packed full of requests before the Lord, verse 4 was especially potent. No matter your age, circumstances, location, or where you are at spiritually in your walk with the Lord, there are specific times when we need to remember that The Lord, our Creator, takes delight in us, His children and that He alone is our heart's desire and our purpose in life. He creates in us a desire, a dream, an idea, and a passion to pursue. He creates in us a purpose which He created at the beginning of time and He will fulfill ALL of it. For our God is so BIG! Abba Father, Thank You that we can come before You each day and approach You and Ask and Seek and Knock and this day I am asking that You may grant these dear and precious sisters-in-Christ with All that their hearts desire and fulfill ALL their counsel (purpose)! In Jesus Name, Amen. A Heart Desiring BIG,


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