Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Blessed New Year - 2019

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This being the second day of the new year how wonderful to be able to spend the time this morning with all of you. I hope that each new day of this year is filled with Him.

Yes, with Him, in the midst of all the moments of work and play and silence and chaos that He is at the forefront of your day.

Beginning the day with prayer!!

Just as each day is lived; there are days when you are rushed and out the door you go, that is when you cry out for green lights only and for a parking place. There are days when you are sick and you cry out that you be healed quickly so that you can resume your so called normal life. There are days when you are able to make your cup of tea or coffee, the responsibilities of the day are not there and you find yourself in silence and you have more time to spend with Him.

Yes, I do pray that each day and night of 2019 be blessed with Him and that each moment spent with Him is blessed. Our lives are filled with so much that without Him it is impossible to deal with even a single moment.

Abba Father, Praise to thee, thank You for bringing us this far, thank You for the gardens and meadows of our lives. Thank You for the valleys and the gullies of our lives. Thank You for the mountain tops and the plateaus of our lives. Yes, each twenty-four hour day, both the day and the night, are times that You sing a song over us, embrace us with Your Presence, shower us with Your Love, delight in us, guide us, and direct us. Lord I ask in the Precious Name of Jesus that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ be blessed each day of 2019.

Beginning the day with prayer,



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