Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Just When I Thought It Was Safe

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Just when I thought it was safe to store the snow shovel in the shed and get out the spring planting basket!!

Well... 8 inches of new snow on Monday, cleared a path for mailman and water meter woman, sidewalks and driveway on Tuesday and this morning at 7:00 am looked out the window and snowing seriously, not just little flakes but the big flakes.

So... just when I thought it was safe...

How many times have you, "just when I thought it was safe?"

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to thee, thank you that "just when I thought it was safe", you are there in the midst of it ALL. In all things and in all ways You are our Strong Tower, our Safe Harbor, our Gliding Light, our Strength, our Joy, our Hope and our Peace. Oh most Sovereign Lord the Great I AM, the Author and Finisher, the Great Almighty I come before Your Throne of Grace this morning and pray for these dear and precious sisters-in-Christ may You embrace them and anoint them and give them Your Peace which passes all understanding and may they have the mind of Christ to thwart the fiery darts that the enemy sends to them especially when "just when I thought it was safe" moments come into their lives. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.




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