Wednesday, May 09, 2018

The Cleansing Power of Our LORD

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Last Saturday and Sunday mornings I was cleaning out from under my wild rose bush and elderberry bush. In the process of removing last years leaves and debris plus the road pebbles left from the removal of the LARGE amounts of snow and ice, with my glove covered hands I thought I was safe from the thorns. Nope, didn't happen. I also asked the wild rose bush to not bite me as I reached under and through and on top of the tender branches - also didn't work. But did it stop me from my task at hand. Nope, I persevered!! Looking at it now out of my study room window, I'm glad I did. The scratches are healing nicely and I thought I had gotten all of the thorns removed. Well, this morning I reached for a glass and the tip of my right pointer finger stabbed me with pain. I looked at it and saw a festering sticker. Okay today is Wednesday and it took that long to surface. Ah, a lesson to be learned here. Sin, how it enters in and how long to fester?

How Glorious is our LORD that He covers us with the blood of Jesus and we are pure and righteous. But still there are little things that enter in that we not aware of and only when it has been brought to the surface can it be dealt with. Oh, LORD, thank You that You are faithful and holy.

Abba Father, Praise to thee and thank You that You do not leave us nor forsake us. Thank You that You direct our steps and cleanse us and continually LOVE us in spite of ourselves. Oh LORD, thank You that You alone are able to cleanse us completely and throughly and that when doubts or fears or worries come to the surface and begin to fester You remove them. Oh Lord, that we cry out in pain and You embrace us and cleanse us and soothe us. Oh Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she would cry out to You. LORD, may Your Peace come, Your Power overwhelm, Your Provision be abundant, and Your Presence embrace each precious one. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.




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