Wednesday, February 25, 2015

That Special Someone - Joshua 13:1

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Is there someone special in your life that each time you think of them your heart aches for their salvation? Through the years of being burdened with this person do you want to give up but only to begin again believing in a miracle?

I have several, but today I would like to share about one - my brother Michael. The middle child and of course every thing that is said or written about the middle child was true in his case. Growing up he was the one who would/could make me so mad that I would hurt myself and/or him during our battles, whether verbal or physical. Now don't get me wrong I loved him as equally as the other 3 brothers but still he seemed to be the one that needed to be bathed in prayer as I heard about his struggles and battles in life. Now comes the best part of the sharing... He was scheduled to have a colonoscopy, since most of them are routine, I was not that too concerned until I got the phone call. When he told me the news I began to cry and my knees began to buckle, but then the Lord stood me up and told me to begin to fight. At first I thought it was to ask for healing of the multiple stage 4 cancers which were eating away at his body. But a couple of days later the Lord told me it was not the healing of the physical but of the spiritual - on February 28, 2011 I had the privledge of praying the sinner's prayer with my brother, a few days after his diagnosis. Our relationship from that day until the day he passed, September 2, 2012, was the richest and sweetest and most precious. All my prayers were answered in the most amazing of ways.

Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I pray that there will be victory for you and for the person that you have been burdened with in prayer. Our God is faithful and His LOVE knows no bounds - may you once again come before the throne of Grace with that person on your mind and begin to ask for the impossible.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to thee our most Sovereign LORD, the creator of all things, Hallelujah my LORD, thank You for Your most precious Promises and Your magnificent gifts and Your amazing Grace. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that above all else she would begin to take hold of that which has been burdening her heart and may she ask for the impossible which only You are able to fullfil in her life. May Your abundant blessings be evident in her life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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