Wednesday, September 30, 2009

You are Precious

Greetings to my precious sisters-in-Christ,

This morning I awoke with the word precious on my mind so to the dictionary to find out the definition. Used as an adjective - 1) of high price or great value, 2) highly esteemed for some spiritual, nonmaterial, or moral quality, 3) dear; beloved, 4) affectedly or excessively delicate, refined or nice, 5) flagrant; gross. Used as a noun - a dearly beloved person; darling and finally used as an adverb - extremely; very. Then to the bible and two verses Psalm 19:10 and I Peter 3:4.

Psalm 19:10 They (ordinances of the LORD) are more precious than gold, than much pure gold;... (NIV)
I Peter 3:4 but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. (NASB)

We are daughters, sisters, nieces, aunts, girlfriends, wives, moms, grandmothers, sister in-laws, mother in-laws and in each of those areas of our lives there are opportunities each and every day to be a witness to the Gospel, the truth acted out each and every moment of our lives.

Abba Father, how Precious You are, how Glorious are You. LORD I come before your throne of Grace and pray for each dearly beloved and precious sister-in-Christ this day that she would pursue that which is eternal and take hold of what gifts she has been given and seek Your Face, ask for Your Wisdom and knock and keep knocking until her final breath. In Jesus Name, Amen

Journeying with the LORD,

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Inner Ear - Job 12:11 & Job 34:3

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

I missed last week due to being in the air returning from a trip to the mainland to join in a wonderful celebration with my family. When I returned I was feeling lightheaded but knew that jet lag would linger for at least a couple of days. I waited until after the weekend and realized that I needed to contact the doctor. My diagnosis - nasal passages and inner ear infection caused probably by dryness and plane trip air. How sensitive our inner ear actually is and ditto with the nasal passages? How can I actually test words with my ears if my inner ear is causing me pain and it hurts for me to hear? Which leads me to another question - "If the ear tests words as the palate tastes food" - does this only apply to those who have ears to hear?

Abba Father,

How marvelous, how Glorious are You, O most Sovereign Lord that in the midst of our seeking and asking and knocking You reveal Yourself in the most Beautiful and Magnificent of ways. Lord I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ this day and in the days ahead that a new revelation of Your truth would be heard with such clarity that she would boldly proclaim the Gospel. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Waiting on the Lord,

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Waiting in the Garden

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

When I was 10-11 years old I would take my favorite walk which started out the driveway up the steep hill past the grouchy old lady's house up two streets and turn left. First stop the corner store, where I purchased some favorite candy I'm not quite sure right now, then down 3 blocks to the library and then over to the big school, the High School where I knew that I was going to get to go. It consisted of about 10 blocks all together but when you are a kid it was a long way to travel. Today I'm realizing that I'm a little kid. I have my favorite walks stopping at familiar places purchasing my favorites and eventually heading for my longed for in the future place where it will be fabulous.

And especially for today and the next few months I'm hoping that the Lord will bring to mind my favorite walks with Him and how "He walks with me and how He talks with me and He tells me I am His own and the Joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known." ( In the Garden by C. Austin Miles).

Abba Father, thank You that You have a Garden for us to run into. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this week that You would bring to remembrance of her favorite walks with You and how loving and faithful are Your promises which bring glorious Joy and Hope and most of all LOVE. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Waiting in His Garden,

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

LORD of ...

Greetings dearest sisters-in-Christ,

The lesson God was showing me today I found in the comics, yep, Family Circus. Pictured in the circle is the older brother leaning over the youngest brother who, with crayon in hand, is drawing something. The older brother is asking "What are your drawing?" The younger brother's response, "I don't know. I'm only half done." I chuckle a little and then realize that for the past few weeks I have been asking God, "What are you doing?" and His Response, " It is not for you to know for I am only half done."


I turn to thee; my eyes upon thee
And ask today for the manna of
Heaven to rain down in heaps.

Bread of Life on thee alone do I Feast
For nothing can compare to YOUR


Abba Father, I pray that today these precious sisters-in-Christ, would have the most sweetest and gentle of days for You desire to direct their lives with goodness and kindness and joy and hope which surpasses all understanding. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Being Embraced by His Love,