Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Jeremiah 1:7

Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ.

While on the mainland visiting family and friends I was blessed to be able to participate in Relay for Life. I had never heard of this before so was not prepared for all that was involved. My daughter-in-law took on the task of being the Chairperson for her township. It went from noon to noon. Then this morning, in preparation to post, I was writing in my "Diary for a Lady" by Elise Grey and a quote from Corrie Ten Boom was on the page. It read, "God raises the level of the impossible". Then I got to thinking about the Relay for Life. It was a blessed time for me to be walking and praying and camped out in a parking lot with other people and what they had in common was the suffering and/or death of loved ones through cancer. As you walk and talk and share with each other it was hard for me to know what to say. My thoughts today were of Jeremiah 1:7, "But the Lord said to me, Do not say I am a youth, Because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak." They were meant for Jeremiah but in situations where I know the Lord has led me into how can I not pray for God's words to flow from my mouth. God raised my level of the impossible by placing me in that situation. Our most Sovereign Lord, how precious He is.

Abba Father, Glorious and Gracious, I love thee my Lord and God. Thank you that You continually amaze us with Your Presence and Power and Peace. Lord, I come into Your Presence this morning and ask that each dear sister-in-Christ would be touched by the mighty Hand of God to be able to see the impossible. To abide in Your Spirit and to hear the Truth which You are whispering in their ears. Oh Lord, prepare them for this day and this week that they may be able to endure and be filled with Your Joy in every conversation and every situation. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Mindless vs Mindful


This morning I got up earlier than normal, (5:30 am) and decided that sweeping my carport and cleaning up the tar mess from the driveway and street, which had been created by the city who paved our road, would be a mindless thing that I could do so I could hear from God as to what He wanted me to write and pray about today. I was thinking that by just cleaning up the dust and debris I would be able to gather my thoughts together. Of course being so early in the morning and still in my pjs and out sweeping the carport and driveway, I did not think that any human contact would be made. Only the neighborhood dogs are up and roaming around at that time of the morning. Well, guess what - yep you guessed right the first time. A dog did show with her owners. They were out for a stroll. At first I thought it was the neighbor and her dog, (BIG PINCHER). She, the owner, speaks only Japanese so we greet each other with a bow. So, I knew that I could keep up with my mindless work, sweeping the driveway entrance. As the dog got closer, it was not who I expected at all. It was the woman with her husband and their wonderful older German Shepherd dog. I became mindful at this point. (I'm in my pjs, have not combed my hair yet) Should I greet them. [This woman and her dog have a history with me. When we first came to the island, I would walk in the mornings and would pass her and the dog. After a while I started saying a pray each time that I passed her.] And here she was, I could actually talk to her and greet her dog. It was a wonderful morning conversation. How the Lord takes a mindless task and turns it around to be a very mindful and glorious thing.

Heavenly Father, most Sovereign and Gracious. Our Good God whose ways and thoughts are higher than ours. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and in the days ahead that they would be mindful of the things of God and ask that You would direct each mindless thought and word and deed and put into their hearts a love for Your Power and Peace and Presence in their lives directing them to the mindful things. May they desire to have the mind of Christ. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Being Spoiled

Greetings from Hawaii,

Yes I am home once again. Two weeks on the mainland visiting friends and family was superb and so rewarding. Now back to the everyday life.

Spending a week with my son and his family was so rewarding for me as a mom and as a grandmother. Grown children and little grandchildren continue to amaze me. My oldest child being the responsible adult and him training his child in the important things in life. And the love that is expressed in the home. WOW.

Spending a week with my parents and being the child, what can I say. They spoiled me and I enjoyed each and every hug and attentive ear and conversation. We followed each other around like little lost puppies/kittens. We were content to just be together. One night we went driving for 2 hours just looking at the countryside and looking for deer. Another afternoon we went downtown to do some shopping and then we visited aunts and uncles and was gone from the house for 5 hours. Where did the time go. We had the opportunity to staying at my brother's house, but my husband and I stayed at the folks house. Our excuse was to be close to the coffee and the full refrigerator and pantry. Yes, I allowed myself to be spoiled. I let mom and dad just be mom and dad. I love them so.

As I reflect upon my time on the mainland, two thoughts come to mind. The first, while visiting my son, I was thankful for the special times that I could hug him and kiss him and just listen to him. His humor is so great and his disciplining is done with such love. The second, while visiting my folks, I was thankful for their love they showered upon me. They are proud parents of both myself and my husband. Yes, being spoiled by mom and dad and yes I was spoiled by my son and his family too, was a much needed time for me.

Heavenly Father, thank you for spoiling me. Thank you that you are faithful to the fourth generation to those who trust in You. Thank you that You bless me with Your Forever Love. Abba Father I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today and this week that You would spoil her with Your Love, Your Faithfulness, Your Presence, Your Peace, Your Kindness, Your Goodness and Your Power. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.